We know looking for a church can be an intimidating experience – What should I wear? When should I show up? Am I going to sit in anyone’s “spot?”

Whether you are new to the area, at the start of your friendship with Jesus, or looking for other opportunities to serve His Church, we want you to feel welcomed here at Blue Ridge. Our members are warm and friendly, so especially with a smaller congregation, don’t be surprised if you’re greeted a couple of times! Our services are usually between 60-75 minutes.

Here are a few things that you can expect from our service

Preaching God’s Word

The pinnacle of our worship service is the proclamation of Jesus through the expository preaching of the Word. It’s our desire to let the Holy Spirit change our affections and renew our minds through the steadfast exposition of Scripture.

Scripture Reading

You will notice that we read a relatively long portion of the Word of God each week. It may or may not directly relate to the sermon passage, but the Bible places its public reading as a high priority (1 Tim 4:13).

Singing Together

Ephesians 5:18-19 and Colossians 3:16 instruct us in what to sing, and Who to sing it to. 1) We should sing truths from the Word of God – of which Jesus Christ is the culmination and cornerstone (John 5:39; Eph 2:20); 2) We should sing with thankful hearts to God and to one another. What that looks like practically is a blend of hymns, gospel songs, and contemporary worship songs, all accompanied only by a piano. It’s our desire to focus on words that point us to Jesus and His work, regardless of what musical style may be played. Take a listen to some of the songs that we’ve recently introduced on the Spotify player on this page.


After reading from the Word of God, we have a time of corporate prayer, praising God for who He is and what He’s done through His Son, Jesus, confessing the ways we’ve fallen short, thanking Him for His blessings, and asking Him to help us be good stewards of all that He has given to us.


Giving is an act of worship. We have a box for offering located in the sanctuary, so that our regular attenders have an opportunity to give to the Lord, providing an opportunity for believers to express their trust in God’s worth and provision by giving financially. We also have an online option. If you are a visitor with us, please do not feel compelled or obligated to give. You can view a list of ministries and missionaries we support here.


Oh… and about what to wear… We don’t have a dress code here at Blue Ridge, but many people come in nice casual or business-casual dress.